The Fair Lawn Board of Education would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! May you all enjoy this time with family and friends!
Congratulations to the five TJMS students who will be representing Fair Lawn in the Bergen County Band and Chorus. (l to r) Stephanie Kompaniyets, Megan MacDonald, Kaitlyn Metcalfe, and Alessandra Sommar These talented students were accepted into the Bergen County Chorus and Kayden Oh was selected for the Bergen County Band. Students from across Bergen County participated in a competitive audition to be selected as a part of these groups.
Students will perform a concert with these groups on Sunday, November 20th.
BOARD BRIEFS – Below are highlights from the November 17, 2022 Board of Education Meeting. An archived webcast of the entire meeting can be found on the district website here.
• Superintendent Nick Norcia’s report/comments:
o Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Enjoy this time with family and friends
and be safe.
o Despite the rainy weather, on November 11, 2022, Fair Lawn High School
held an amazing dedication ceremony for the Veteran’s Memorial located in
the front of the high school. This memorial was years in the making and
thank you to everyone who made this possible.
• Student Board Representatives updated the Board on the following school
activities, events, and concerns. To see a full list of items/events, please use
the link above to watch the Board Meeting.
Ayden St. Louis, Memorial Middle School Student Board Representative
o Memorial honored veterans with a school-wide assembly, the first Points of
Light Ceremony will take place next week where students will be honored
and celebrated for sharing their positive character, sportsmanship, and
serving as a role model ad “light” for others, Student Council and Celebrate
America joined forces and ran a successful Thanksgiving Food Drive,
donating 828 items to the local food pantry. Drama Club members visited
the high school to enjoy a performance by the Fair Lawn High School
Juhi Pandit, Thomas Jefferson Middle School Student Board Representative
o Local veterans met with students to share stories about their service to our
country, and holding with tradition, there is an America’s White table outside
the auditorium where it will remain until Thanksgiving. The Honor Scroll of
Character has started in our morning announcements and the Peers for
Peace leadership club members visited Grades K-2 Classrooms at Milnes
School. TJ will hold their 4th Annual Christian’s Kicks with Love from Peter
Holiday Drive to help raise funds to purchase care packages for patients at
Hackensack Children’s Hospital.
Asha Thomas, Fair Lawn High School Student Board Representative
o The first General Assembly meeting was held for the 2022-2023 school
year. General Assembly allows elected homeroom representatives to hear
about new information from the executive board and report on events and
matters discussed in student dialogue meetings. Penny races started to
kick off our spirit week. The majority of the proceeds will be awarded to the
winning class! Fair Lawn High School and Glen Rock High School are
joining forces to help support Relay for Life which will take place June 3-4,
2023. The Veteran’s Memorial was dedicated last week. The Interact Club
headed this initiative and created a meaningful impact on the community.
Class councils held a successful apparel sale with all proceeds going
directly to each class council activities just in time for apparel days starting
this week.
• The Board approved the following upcoming retirements and wished them
well on their future endeavors:
o Andrea Frotten, nurse, at Warren Point School, with 15 years of service, will
retire on June 30, 2023.
o Patricia Burke, teacher at Lyncrest School, with 20 years of service, will
retire on June 30, 2023.
o Ellen Sharlow, media aide/clerk aide at Forrest School with 27 years of
service, will retire on June 30, 2023.
o Martha Bombardier, secretary at The Community School, with 37 years of
service will retire on May 31, 2023.
• The following personnel appointments were approved by the Board:
o Latifa Afshar, After Care Aide, Radburn School
o Stephanie Burdel, Technology/Keyboarding Teacher, Milnes/Warren Point
o Amanda Grecco, Kindergarten Teacher, Radburn School
o Christopher Grosso, Paraprofessional, Warren Point School
o Nailah Ingram, Paraprofessional, Fair Lawn High School
o Shirley Jackson, Part-Time Bus Driver, Bergen Avenue
o Jeffrey Ortiz, Security Aide, Fair Lawn High School
• The Board approved a generous donation from the following group:
o A $1,000 donation from the Milnes School PTA for an author visit.
Our next scheduled monthly board meeting is December 12, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. in the Media Center at Memorial Middle School.
Congratulations to the Fair Lawn High School Band who performed amazingly well at their Nationals competition and earned a final score of 88.5 and winner of Best Percussion overall!
Members of the band consist of students in grades 7-12 from Memorial, TJ and the FLHS!!! These talented musicians have dedicated hundreds of hours since August perfecting their routines. Each performer gives their all, every single week and we are so proud of them!
Many thanks to our staff members were amazingly helpful and supportive THANK YOU!!!
Remember we are paperless! Please be sure to use this QR Code to access the agenda for this evenings Regular Monthly Meeting at 7:30PM at Memorial Middle School Media Center.
On Friday, November 11, 2022, Fair Lawn High School held a dedication ceremony for their Military Tribute Memorial. In your travels, please come by and take a look at this great memorial. Thank you to everyone for their hard work and efforts to make this memorial come to life!
Fair Lawn Schools are closed for the NJEA Teacher's Convention November 10 & 11, 2022.
Your vote counts! Get out to vote today in New Jersey from 6AM-8PM. All Fair Lawn School are closed today.
A friendly reminder to "fall back" this weekend and set your clocks back one hour on Sunday, November 6, 2022!!!
Please access the Education Committee as a Whole: NJSLA Presentation Meeting Agenda by using the QR Code below. Tonight's meeting will be held at Memorial Middle School Media Center at 7:30PM.
Happy Halloween! We hope all the little ghouls and goblins stay safe!
Milnes School World Cereal-ies was a 'homerun' this year! 741 boxes of cereal were collected for the Fair Lawn Food Pantry!!! We are so proud! Way to go Milnes!
REMINDER! This is the district's first wellness weekend for the 2022-2023 school year. No homework this weekend, October 29-30, 2022! Enjoy your free time with family and friends!
Mark Tratner, a student at Memorial Middle School, participated in Bike MS, a 30-mile bike ride around Manhattan, on October 23, 2022 with a team of friends to strike out MS. He was the youngest rider on the team and kept up with everyone. Way to go, Mark!
REMINDER!!! This weekend is the district's first WELLNESS WEEKEND for the 2022-2023 school year! Enjoy this time with family and friends!
October is CyberSecurity Awareness Month. Fair Lawn Schools Tech Department reminds you that strong passwords are your first line of defense against CyberCriminals!
October is CyberSecurity Awareness Month. Fair Lawn Schools Tech Department reminds you that strong passwords are your first line of defense against CyberCriminals!
On October 21st, the Forrest School PTA hosted our annual Fall Festival. The students enjoyed bouncy houses, carnival games, face painting, a haunted maze, and pumpkin patch. Thank you to our amazing PTA and parent volunteers for making this such a successful event.
In accordance with Fair Lawn Public Schools focus on prioritizing the themes of diversity and equity in our schools, students at Forrest participated in an assembly enhancing their understanding of the Indian holiday, Diwali. Each student decorated a plastic cup during art class with Miss Cohen and learned rhythmic patterns to a montage of Indian music with Mrs. Knitel. The culminating experience included a read-aloud video of a children’s book about Diwali and a performance of their cup routine.
The district will be having their first wellness weekend of the 2022-2023 school year this weekend, October 29-30, 2022!!!