


Derek Khoudja

Department Supervisor

(201) 794-5500 x1010

Department Philosophy

Social Studies is the integrated study of history, geography, economics, and civics. More importantly, it is the study of humanity--the people, events, and movements that have collectively shaped the world. By forging connections to their own lives, an effective social studies program helps students make sense of the world in which they live, and see themselves as members of a global community. It builds the knowledge and skills necessary to become informed participants on a local, national, and international level. Fostering critical thinking, cultural awareness, and disciplinary literacy provides the skills necessary to understanding the complexities and nuances of the human experience. By encouraging inquiry, promoting empathy, and instilling a deep appreciation for diverse perspectives, students will be better equipped to thoughtfully participate within an ever-changing, globalized world.

Fair Lawn Public School Social Studies Staff

FLHS Social Studies Department

Mr. Albert Alvarez

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Mr. Joseph Bonafede

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Mr. Frederick Blake

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Ms. Kristin Burke

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Ms. Alayna DeFuria

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Ms. Julianne Fuoco

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Ms. Liliana Galindo

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Mr. Jamie Graceffo

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Ms. Jeanine Hayek

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Ms. Young Kang

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Ms. Leah Lindstrom

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Ms. Christine McSpirit

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Mr. Kevin Orfe

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Mr. Joseph Strepparava

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Mr. Jude Guy

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Mr. Jonathan Maciejewski

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Ms. Nicole Willis

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Memorial Middle School Social Studies Department

Mr. Peter Arts

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Ms. Cassandra Fenton

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Ms. Samantha Fife

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Mr. Jared Foley

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Ms. Madison Schroeder

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Mr. Steve Thompson

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Thomas Jefferson Middle School Social Studies Department


Mr. Benjamin Berman

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Mr. Andrew Berninger

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Dr. Brenna Bohny

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Mr. John DeWitt

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Mr. Curt Geib

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Mr. Zack Pine

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Ms. Renee Taormina

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Mr. Rich Yar

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Mr. Dan Zimmermann

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