Human Resources
Welcome to the Human Resources department at Fair Lawn Schools. The Human Resources department provides support services for employees of the Fair Lawn School District and coordinates the recruitment and selection of all district employees and substitutes. Our mission is to attract, retain, and support high quality personnel for positions within the school system.
If you are seeking employment with our district, we encourage you to review our vacancies and apply for a position in which you are interested.
Other services in the Human Resources department include compensation and classification, teacher certification, employee leaves, employee issues, and performance management. Our Human Resources staff specializes in maintaining an effective workforce that provides a positive impact on student performance, productivity, and service quality.
Please feel free to contact us if we can be of service to you.
Director of Human Resources: Denise Tighe
Human Resources Information Specialist: Carole Fenton
Human Resources Specialist: Patti Cleary
HR Generalist: Meg Baldwin
HR Support: Kim Salloum
Office: 201-794-5500 x7010
Fax: 201-703-5555