FLASE (SEPAG) Executive Board

FLASE (Fair Lawn Association for Special Education) is a non-profit, parent advisory group that provides assistance and support for the Special Education students, families, and programs within the Fair Lawn Public Schools. Since 1999, FLASE has served as the Special Education Parent Group of the Fair Lawn School District, serving our children from ages 3-21 years, including those with out of district placement. The organization provides networking opportunities for parents, and enrichment programs, along with many other initiatives that support the special education community of Fair Lawn. FLASE is the only Special Education parent group in our school district.
What is a SEPAG?
A Special Education Parent Advisory Group, or SEPAG (sea-pag) is a state-mandated, district-level, parent-driven group charged with providing input to the local school district on system-level challenges in special education and related services.
FLASE (SEPAG) Mission Statement
Our mission is to facilitate communication among students, parents, community members, administrators, and the Board of Education, for the purpose of improving the quality of district-wide special education policies, programs, and practices. SEPAGs are required for all school districts in New Jersey. N.J.A.C. 6A:14-1.2(h) states that: “Each board of education shall ensure that a special education parent advisory group is in place in the district to provide input to the district on issues concerning students with disabilities.” The Fair Lawn SEPAG (FLASE) offers the opportunity to raise questions, to voice your concerns, and to provide direct input to administrators regarding Special Services. SEPAGs also provide parents and families opportunities to learn about district programs, services and resources, regardless of what stage of the process you are currently in.
2024-2025 Executive Board Members
Mel Jerchower - President
Kate Worrall - VP of Programs
Marcella Kissane - VP of Fundraising
Kristin Suto - Corresponding Secretary
/Recording Secretary
Christine Weinstein - Treasurer
3rd Vice President- Staff Reps
Thomas Edison School - Erica Mulkey
Radburn Elementary School - Jackie Lynn
Milnes Elementary School - Katie Huy
Warren Point Elementary School - Louise Monroe
Lyncrest Elementary School - Amanda Pook
Forrest Elementary School - Marsha Del Donna
Westmoreland Elementary School - Krystal Polyi
Memorial Middle School - Daniela Nizza
Thomas Jefferson Middle School - Taylor Zimmer
Fair Lawn High School - Michele Gaffney