Technology Use & Applications Permission Form
THIS FORM IS AVAILABLE ELECTRONICALLY ON THE GENESIS PARENT PORTAL -- ON THE FORMS TAB; if you are unable to access the Genesis portal, please print and complete this form and return to your child's school's main office.
Dear Parent/Guardian:
The Fair Lawn Public Schools has a district wide computer network which provides access to a wide range of tools such as educational software, Microsoft Office, as well as access to the Internet. The Internet is an educational tool which can provide access to various data sources, including government publications and databases, museums and art galleries, magazines and newspapers and links to the global community.
Once a student has access to the school computer network, he or she also has access to the Internet. The district technology curriculum includes instruction in the appropriate and safe use, selection, and evaluation of information. A web security filtering system is used to promote the safe use of the Internet and reduce the risk of contact with unacceptable sites, but no system is guaranteed to be foolproof.
There are a variety of technology initiatives supported by the Fair Lawn school district. Your child may benefit from participation in some or all of the programs listed below. Please review the guidelines and indicate your permission for your child’s participation for each of the following (please check ONLY one statement in each section):
Permission to Use the Computer Network
_____I give permission for my child to have access to the Computer Network. I also agree that my child will comply with the conditions of acceptable use and behavior regarding the use of the network in school. Should my child fail to comply with these conditions, I understand that his/her computer privileges at school may be revoked.
_____I have decided that my child will not participate in the use of the Computer Network.
Student All-Media Consent
____ I/we GRANT permission for this student’s name, photo/image, grade, school and any pertinent class or activity to be published on the FLPS’s district and school websites; on district or school social media sites, and in publications, presentations, and press releases. I understand that such publication may permit global access to the student’s personally identifiable information.
____ I/we DO NOT GRANT permission for this student’s photo/image or any personally identifiable information to be published on the district or school websites, social media sites or in publications or press releases.
Permission to participate in G Suite for Education - formerly Google Apps
___ I give permission for my child to participate in G Suite for Education
___ I do not give permission for my child to participate in G Suite for Education
Permission to participate in BYOD: Bring Your Own Device
___ I give permission for my child to bring his/her own portable, wireless device to school.
___ I do not give permission for my child to his/her own portable, wireless device to school.
Student Name (print clearly): ______________________________
Student Signature: ____________________________
Parent Signature: _____________________________
Student Grade:______ Student ID: __________Date: _________
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