Elementary School Health

Beginning in 2020, our district adopted THE GREAT BODY SHOP as our health education resources.

What resources does Fair Lawn Schools use in our elementary schools for health education?

How does Fair Lawn Schools address sensitive topics in health & PE?

Click here for an overview of lessons by grade level.

What other topics are addressed in The Great Body Shop?

Search topics addressed in THE GREAT BODY SHOP by grade level.
*Note:  we won't address all these topics in your child's classes.  Refer to the Fair Lawn Schools curriculum for more details and when in doubt, speak to your child's teacher.Scroll down for links to more information on The Great Body Shop.

What does the State of New Jersey expect in health & physical education?

Comprehensive Health & Physical Education in New Jersey

Fair Lawn Schools Health Curriculum

Note to Parents:  When reviewing these curricula, please pay close attention to the "objectives" which describe how we address the NJ State standards in our classrooms.

Please contact your child's teacher for specific questions related to the health curriculum.

For more details on the content in THE GREAT BODY SHOP, click on the link below.

Please contact your child's class room teacher if you have questions.

How do I opt my child out of parts of the health curriculum?

The following statute provides an opt-out option for any instruction in health, family life education or sex education and would apply to any instruction in accordance with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards – Comprehensive Health and Physical Education.

Any child whose parent or guardian presents to the school principal a signed statement that any part of the instructions in health, family life education or sex education is in conflict with his conscience, or sincerely held moral or religious beliefs shall be excused from that portion of the course where such instruction is being given and no penalties as to credit or graduation shall result therefrom.
L.1979, c. 428, s. 2, eff. Feb. 11, 1980.

Beginning in 2022-2023, classroom teachers will provide parents with information about opting out rather than having this information collected via Genesis Portal.

If your child has lost their 2022-2023 elementary school opt out letter, you can download another copy here.  Please follow the directions on the letter and return it to your child's teacher.  Please contact your child's teacher with any questions.