Staff Resources

F.L.C.S. Print Request Form - TEMPORARILY CLOSED

District Copy Center Information

Please complete the copy request form below and note the following:

All copies of 50+ must go to the copy center to prevent unnecessary wear and tear on the machines and prevent breakdowns

All jobs will be completed double sided and black and white unless otherwise specified

Please allow for 3-5 school days to receive your items once the documents have been received.

A color copy costs the district 10 times more than a B&W page (regardless of how much color is on the page) and needs approval from the Community School Director based on the Principal's recommendation. If color copies are needed please include the rationale in the special request field.

Please ensure the document(s) to be printed are uploaded on the Print Request Form.

Thank you for your cooperation and if you have any questions or need assistance please contact Grace at the District Copy Center.

Please do not resubmit the same printing request.


Phone: 201-794-5450 Extension 2363

Stronge Resources

Achieve NJ

AchieveNJ is the New Jersey Department of Education's system for evaluating educators.  The website is a great resource for educator requirements.

Recent updates to AchieveNJ

NJDOE broadcasts regarding AchieveNJ

Stronge Standards