Project Child Find
Project Child Find is a free referral service and public awareness campaign in New Jersey, designed to identify unserved or underserved children from birth through 21 years of age who may have developmental delays or disabilities. This initiative ensures that children with potential physical, sensory, emotional, communication, cognitive, or social difficulties receive the necessary evaluations and services to support their development.
Services for Different Age Groups:
· Infants and Toddlers (Birth to Age 3): Families with concerns about their infant or toddler's development can contact the New Jersey Early Intervention System at 1-888-653-4463. A service coordinator will discuss your concerns and, if necessary, schedule a multidisciplinary evaluation at no cost to the family. Depending on the evaluation results, appropriate early intervention services may be recommended.
· Preschool Children (Ages 3 to 5): If you are concerned that your preschool-aged child is developing or learning differently, you can reach out to the Student Services Department. A meeting will be arranged with the child study team to discuss your concerns and determine if an evaluation is necessary. With parental consent, evaluations are conducted at no cost, and if the child is found eligible, special education services are provided.
· School-Age Students (Ages 5 to 21): If parents are concerned about their child's school age progress, they should feel free to discuss such issues with their child’s teacher, guidance counselor and/or principal. Parents have the option of making a referral to the Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) committee or to the Child Study Team (CST). I&RS offers intervention procedures that are provided within the regular education school program. At times, however, more extensive interventions that can be provided in a regular education setting are necessary to assist the student. If the decision is made to undertake a full Child Study Team evaluation, the child’s social, emotional and academic status may be assessed. Medical or other specialized evaluations may be included in the assessment. If a child is determined to be eligible for special education and related services, an individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed, which includes a rationale for the student’s educational placement and the basis for the program implementation.
All services provided through Project Child Find, including evaluations and special education services, are offered at no cost to parents. For more information or to access resources, you can call the toll-free number 1-800-322-8174, which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.